2024 | 2021 | 2019 | 2017 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010| 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
and earlier
- Roda, C., Stone, R., Kung, A. (2024) Standardization for high impact technologies: why citizens should care. In Bojić, L., Žikić, S., Matthes, J.,& Trilling, D. (Eds) Navigating the Digital Age. An In-Depth Exploration into the Intersection of Modern Technologies and Societal Transformation. Belgrade: Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory., (pp. 305 - 346).
- Roda, C., Mental Privacy and Integrity, IAPP News, July 3 2024 (online).
- Roda, C., Kung, A., Tsormpatzoudi, P., Preparing for AI regulations: A quick look at available frameworks, IAPP News, April 3 2024 (online).
- Roda, C. “Are We at the Helm?” Contemporary French & Francophone Studies. Anne-Marie Picard and Roger Célestin (Eds.) Special Issue The Google Era? /L’ère Google? 23 (4): 425–30.
- Perry, S., Roda C. (2015). Valuing Privacy through Privacy by Design. In proceedings Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2015 - [manuscript pdf]
- Roda C. (2014). Économiser l’attention dans l’interaction homme-machine. In Yves Citton (Ed) "L'économie de l'attention : Nouvel horizon du capitalisme?" La Découverte, Paris p. 179 - [manuscript pdf]
- Perry, S., Roda, C. (2014) Teaching Privacy by Design to Non-Technical Audiences. F. Cleary and M. Felici (Ed.) Cyber Security and Privacy (CSP) Forum 2014. Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science series CCIS, Volume 470, pp. 120 - 134 [manuscript pdf]
- Roda C., Orozco F. (2014) Privacy and unintended consequences of online narrative (Abstract) Narrative Matters: Narrative Knowing / Récit et savoir; 23 to 27 June 2014 - University Paris Diderot, France
- Roda C. (2014) What’s mine in my images? A tour of the use and misuse of photographic images online (Abstract) “Image not Available”: Networked Visuality and Its Limits, International conference; 10 May 2014 Paris
Roda C., Stojanov G., Kianfar D. (2013) Effects of Task Switching on Creativity Tests. Proceedings AAAI Spring Symposium 2013: Creativity and (Early) Cognitive Development. Stanford University, Stanford, California [pdf]
Lee H., Young T., Roda C. (2013) E-Books Usability: Reading Time and Comprehension (Abstract). The Tablet Symposium: Examining New Media Objects - University of Sussex, 10th April 2013 [pdf]
- Roda, C. (2010) Attention support in digital environments, nine questions to be addressed. New Ideas in Psychology
, Volume 28, Issue 3, December 2010, Pages 354-364 Elsevier [pdf]
- Mann, S., Muller, L., Davis, J., Roda C., Young, A. (2010) Computing and Sustainability: Evaluating Resources for Educators
. inroads - SIGCSE Bulletin, Volume 41, Number 4, January 2010, pp.144-155 [pdf]
- Laukkanen, J.,
Roda, C., & Molenaar, I. (2007) Modelling
tasks: a requirements analysis based on attention support services.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Contextualized Attention Metadata: personalized
access to digital resources CAMA 2007 at the ACM IEEE Joint Conference
on Digital Libraries, June 17-23, 2007 – Vancouver, British Columbia,
C. (2007). Supporting attention with dynamic user models (extended
abstract). Proceedings Interactivist Summer Institute 2007, Paris,
May 26-29, 2007
- Roda, C., &
Nabeth, T. (2006) Attention
Management in Virtual Community Environments. Proceedings Journée
de recherche de l’AIM (Association Information et Management)
« Innovation et Systèmes d’Information » October
6 2006
- Roda, C., Stojanov, G., & Clauzel, D. (2006). Mind-prosthesis
metaphor for design of human-computer interfaces that support better
attention management. Proceedings AAAI 2006 Fall Symposium on "Interaction
and Emergent Phenomena in Societies of Agents", Arlington,
Virginia, pp. 52-59.
- Roda, C., &
Nabeth, T. (2006). The
atgentive project: Attentive agents for collaborative learners.
Proceedings First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning EC-TEL'06, 1-4 October
2006, Crete, Greece. pp. 685 - 690. Springer LNCS 4227.
- Clauzel, D.,
Roda, C., & Stojanov, G. (2006). Tracking
task context to support resumption. Proceedings of the HCI 2006
workshop on computer assisted recording, pre-processing, and analysis
of user interaction data. London, UK. 12.9.2006, pp.43-54.
- Nabeth, T., C.
Roda (2006). Les espaces sociaux virtuels: approches, pratiques émergentes
et perspectives. Invited chapter in the book Capital Immatériel,
Connaissance et Performance, Ahmed Bounfour Editor, L'Harmattan. pp.
- Roda, C., &
Thomas, J. (2006). Attention
Aware Systems: Theories, Applications, and Research Agenda. Computers
in Human Behavior, 22(4) p.557-587, Elsevier.
- Roda, C. and J.
Thomas (2006) Attention
Aware Systems, Introduction to the special issue. Special Issue
of the journal Computers in Human Beaviour, 22(4) p. 555-556, Elsevier.
- Roda, C., Nabeth,
T. (2005) The
role of attention in the design of Learning Management Systems IADIS
International Conference CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in
Digital Age) Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 148 - 155.
- Nabeth, T., Razmerita,
L., Angehrn, A., & Roda, C. (2005) InCA:
a Cognitive Multi-Agents Architecture for Designing Intelligent &
Adaptive Learning Systems, Computer Science and Information Systems,
COMSIS Publisher, Volume 2 Issue 2 (December 2005), pp. 99 - 114.
- Nabeth, T., Angehrn
, A., Mittal P.K., Roda, C. (2005) Using
artificial agents to stimulate participation in virtual communities Proceedings IADIS International Conference CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory
Learning in Digital Age), Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 391 - 394
- Roda, C., &
Thomas, J. (2005). Attention
Aware Systems. In C. Ghaoui (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of HCI. (pp. 38-44).
IDEA Group.
- Roda, C., Borel,
A. M., Gentchev E., Thomas, J. (2005) Digital
image library development in academic environment: designing and testing
usability. OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital
Library Perspectives, v. 21, no. 4, pp. 264 - 284
- Gentchev, E., Roda, C. (2005) A
shift of accent in introductory Object Oriented Programming. International
Scientific Congress on Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Marine
Industry. MEEMI, 2005, Varna Bulgaria.
- Thomas, J., &
Roda, C. (2005). Digital
Interactivity: various points of view. In C. Ghaoui (Ed.), Encyclopaedia
of HCI, (pp. 686-691). IDEA Group.
- Roda, C. (2004). Participatory system
design as a tool for learning. Proceedings IADIS International Conference
CELDA (Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age), Lisbon, Portugal.
- Razmerita, L.,
Angehrn, A., Nabeth, T., & Roda, C. (2004). INCA:
an intelligent cognitive agent-based framework for adaptive and interactive
learning. Proceedings IADIS International Conference CELDA (Cognition
and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age), Lisbon, Portugal. 373-380
- Roda, C., &
Thomas, J. (2004). Designing
for attention. Proceedings HCI2004 Designing for Life - 18th British
HCI group Annual Conference, Leeds, UK. Vol. 2 249-250
- C. Roda, J. Thomas
(2003) "Digital
Interactivity. Introduction to the first international workshop";
Proceedings International Symposium on Information and Communication
Technologies 2003; pp.399 - 402, Computer Science Press, Trinity College
Dublin Ireland.
- C. Roda, A. Angehrn,
T. Nabeth, L. Razmerita (2003) "Using
conversational agents to support the adoption of knowledge sharing practices"
Interacting with Computers 15(1), 2003, pp. 57-89, Elsevier.
- T. Nabeth, A.
Angehrn, C. Roda (2003) "Enhancing
Knowledge Management Systems with Cognitive Agents (Améliorer
les Systemes de Gestion de la Connaissance avec des Agents Cognitifs)."
Systèmes d'Information et Management, 2(8), 2003.
- T. Nabeth, A.
Angehrn, C. Roda (2002) Towards
personalised, socially aware and active Knowledge Management System;
Proceedings: E-2002 e-Business and e-Work Annual Conference, Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic 2002
- T. Nabeth, and
C. Roda (2002) Intelligent
agents and the future of identity in e-society; Institute for Prospective
Technological Studies Report; Special issue on Identity & Privacy
September 2002(also available at the EC Joint Research Center as IPT4E676)
- P. Damaskopoulos,
C. Roda, K. Nicolopoulou (2002) "Organizational
Capital as a Strategic Field of Corporate Action" Proc. 5 th
World Congress on Intellectual Capital January 16 18,
2002 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
- C. Roda, A. Angehrn,
T. Nabeth (2001) "Matching
Competencies to Enhance Organizational Knowledge Sharing: An Intelligent
Agents Approach" Proc. 7th International Netties Conference,
September 2001, Fribourg, Switzerland, pp. 931 - 938.
- A. Angehrn, T.
Nabeth, L. Razmerita, C. Roda (2001) Presentation of the "Centre
for Advanced Learning Technologies (CALT) of the European Institute
of Business Administration (INSEAD)" Proc. IHM-HCI 2001 Conference,
September 2001, Lille France, pp. 256 - 260.
- A. Angehrn, T.
Nabeth, L. Razmerita, C. Roda (2001) "K-InCA:
Using Artificial Agents for Helping People to Learn New Behaviours"
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
(ICALT 2001), August 2001, Madison USA, pp.225-226.
- C. Roda "Teaching
HCI across the curriculum" (2001) 4th Workshop on effective
training and education in HCI", April 2001, Edinburgh
2000 and earlier
- C. Roda "Review
of: "Software Agents" Jeffrey M. Bradshaw Editor AAAI Press / The MIT
Press" in The
Knowledge Engineering Review 14(2), pp.181-185 Cambridge University
Press 1999
- T. Wittig Editor
"Archon, an architecture for multi-agent systems" Ellis Horwood Series
in Artificial Intelligence 1992. (Contributor)
- C. Roda, N.Jennings,
E.H. Mamdani. "The Impact of Heterogeneity
on Cooperating Agents" (postscipt)
Proc. AAAI Workshop on Cooperation Among Heterogeneous Intelligent Systems,
Anaheim, CA, July 1991.
- C. Roda et. Al."The
Cooperation Framework of ESPRIT Project ARCHON", Proc. Fourth RACE TMN
Conference, Dublin, Ireland, November 1990. pp. 144-153
- C. Roda, N. Jennings,
E.H. Mamdani, "A Cooperation Framework for Industrial Process Control",
in "Cooperating Knowledge Based Systems 1990", S.M. Deen Editor. Springer
Verlag Publ, London 1991.pp. 95-109
- F. Mariani, C.
Roda, G. Valeriani, "Integrazione di Basi di Conoscenza e di Dati in
Ambito Fianziario" (Knowledge Base and Data Base Integration in a Financial
System), "Sistemi & Impresa", Este Publ, Milano, N.312, May 1990.
pp. 562-566.
- F. Mariani, F.
Pianesi, C. Roda, G. Valeriani, "CR.E.S. Credit Granting Expert System:
un Sistema Esperto per la Consulenza Al Credito" (CR.E.S. Credit Granting
Expert System: an Expert System Adviser for Credit Granting), Proc Third
National Congress on Logic Programming, Italy,.1988.
- C. Roda, "Scienze
dell' Informazione e scuola dell'obbligo" (Computer Science in Primary
Schools), "Insieme", Italy, N.5/6, 1984
- C. Roda, "Inserimento
dell' Informatica nella Scuola" (Using Computer Science in Primary Schools),
Part 1: "Insieme" N.1/2, Part 2: "Insieme" N.3/4, Italy, 1984
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