Some of my other teaching
Other courses taught at AUP:
- Advanced Java Programming - Successful students will have a thorough knowledge of the computer language Java, the systematic development of programs, problem-solving and a knowledge of some of the fundamental algorithms of computer science. Essential concepts include inheritance, polymorphism, and error-handling using exceptions. Undergraduate (48 contact hours) Spring 2005- Spring 2014
- Web Authoring - Short course introducing HTML, CSS and general principles of site design. Project based - undergraduate (18 contact hours) Spring 1997 - Fall 2008
- Multi-agents systems - With a focus on distributed AI and deliberative agents, the course explores logic systems and architectures for multi-agents systems - undergraduate (35 contact hours) - Spring/Fall 2000
- Digital media - Explores how digital communication has impacted media convergence, the technologies involved and the tools developed. Analyses the most relevant social, economical, and regulatory aspects of the use of these tools and technologies - undergraduate (35 contact hours) - Fall 2001 - Fall 2005
- Compiler design - Techniques for the design of compilers for imperative, object oriented and functional programming languages. Small projects implementing compilers components using C++ - undergraduate (35 contact hours) - Spring 1999 - Spring 2000
- Communication in the era of attention scarcity After exploring the relevance of modern attention studies to communication theory and practice, this course analyses the concept of attention scarcity and several theorization of the “attention economy”. Contemporary cognitive and neurological study of attention will be introduced as well as their application in broadcasting, branding and advertising. As attentional processes are stretched to new forms and structures, several theorists have argued that our society is undergoing an unprecedented transformation that will reshape not only the way we relate to one another but the very essence of what we are, how we learn and how the “human” will eventually evolve. Graduate seminar (35 contact hours) Fall 2014
Courses taught at other institutions
- Human Rights and Digital technology. Sciences Po, Paris. Undergraduate program - 24 hours, Spring 2020 - (co-taught with Susan Perry, AUP)
- Perception and Attention. University of Tampere, Doctoral Program in User-Centered Information Technology (UCIT). Lecture series 20 hours - Fall 2011 - (co-taught with Ben Tatler, University of Dundee)
- Virtual Communities and Intelligent Agents. Communautés Virtuelles, Agents intelligents. Université de Marne La Vallée. Two one semester courses for the Master Management et Ingénierie Économique. Spécialité: Projet, Innovation, Conception, option Gestion de la Connaissance. Cours magistrale. 20 hours - 3 crédits, (co-taught, in French, with Thierry Nabeth, INSEAD) Fall 2004 & Fall 2005
News and Events
Official inauguration of the UNESCO Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, in the presence of AUP President Sonya Stephens, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education Stefania Giannini and Deputy U.S. Permanent Representative to UNESCO Jean Elizabeth Manes, October 24, 2024
Invited speaker: AI competencies for human rights protection: Empowering (digital) citizens - UNESCO's Digital Learning Week 2024, 2-5 September 2024 Paris
Panelist: Nations United? Global AI Governance Initiatives at AI Governance Global 2024 conference, organised by the International Association of Privacy Professionals. 4-5 June 2024, Brussels
Panelist: Tackling bias and championing inclusion at Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Futures Conference, organised by Expertise France and the Agence française de développement (AFD). Paris, March 26, 2024
Panelist: AI for Good: Fantasy or Reality? at the conference on Artificial intelligence, Regulation and Human Rights, organised by the Agence française de développement (AFD). Paris, January 30, 2024 (Conference video)
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